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And Their Voices Won Out!

I realize it is polite to listen to the opinions, thoughts, or beliefs of a others. I mean, after all, what makes my opinion any better than theirs? Well, I guess it all depends on the basis of ones' opinion. If you are referring to a world view in which self is the main focus, there in lies a selfish motive or agenda denying any need to take another person's opinion into account. When I think about this, the word tolerance comes to mind. The demand for tolerance is the constant drumming of today's culture.

As this world turns, there seems to be an overwhelming push on the part of many people to force their opinions on others. At the same time, there is a refusal by those same people to tolerate others. This is applicable to any and every situation be it culture, politics, science, education, healthcare, music, advertising, and last but not least, religion, which is were this post is headed. I will resist the desire to address the other issues because this is a post and not an essay.

The accusation of intolerance is a label being applied to Christians by what appears to be every area of society. In politics, Christianity is being pushed out by those in charge of this country. I recall Christian values and morals as being a part of the majority of politicians. They were not all Christians, but their values were more in line with bible than presently. Prayer was taken out of school, the Ten Commandments removed from public areas including courthouses, the removal of crosses, and nativity scenes just to mention a few.

The scientific world fights against any possibility of a Creator who created everything "ex-nihilo" (out of nothing). They prefer to posit or postulate theories such as the "big bang" theory or Darwin's theory of life forming out of a warm little pond more commonly known as "primordial soup." Of course science is now being called upon to support the beliefs of those pushing the idea of "gender identity" including the difference between biological and assigned sex. Abortion is one of the hottest topics of this era; however, I have a suspicion it is being eclipsed by the LBGTQ movement and all that entails.

Their tentacles are far reaching into virtually all areas of society. The educational system now fights against Christian values in the schools due to the scourge of political correctness and the fear of lawsuits. These are only a few of the effects of intolerance of the Christian religion. You need only to watch the news, (you choose the channel) to identify the effects of intolerance toward Christian beliefs. Now I know I said I would focus on religious intolerance, and so I shall.

Have you ever taken the time or opportunity to check out what the bible offers regarding influence? I mean, there are many instances in scripture where the crowds influence the actions of leaders and the positions taken by society. For instance, if you turn in your bible to chapter seventeen of Exodus you will find how the voices of the people complaining about the lack of water influenced Moses to strike the rock with God's permission. Moses struck the rock and the water poured forth. God intended this to be picturesque of Christ being our Redeemer.

Now, God only intended for Moses to strike the rock one time; however, we find in Numbers, chapter twenty, Moses struck the rock twice instead of speaking to the rock. He did this out of frustration created by the people who once again raised their voices in complaint. The problem is that Moses did not follow the command of God exactly. This brought sin on Moses and resulted in his being banned from entering the land into which he was instructed to lead the people of Israel. This is an instance of raised voices calling for something out of the will of God.

Psalm 2:1-3 asks the question,

"Why do the nations (plural for all the people of all the nations) rebel and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers conspire together against the LORD and His Anointed One...?"

Here we read of the loud outcry of the "voices" which created disharmony resulting in their victory. The voices won out.

A couple of new testament references will serve as examples of worldly voices and their destructive impact. Acts, chapter seven gives the account of Stephen, a chosen servant of the Apostles and of Jesus Christ, being stoned by the people. The story begins with men from the Synagogue disputing with Stephen about the performance of great wonders and signs. As they argued, they became more and more frustrated with Stephen. These men could not stand against his wisdom because it came from the Holy Spirit. As Stephen presented his case, he recited the history of Israel concluding with the coming of the "Righteous One (Jesus Christ)."

Verse 54 tells us the men were "enraged" in their hearts and gnashed their teeth at him.

"Then they screamed at the top of their voices, stopped their ears, and rushed together against him. They threw him out of the city and began to stone him, resulting in their victory."

Again, the voices won out.

In Luke chapter 23, we read about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. It tells of how Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate by the Jewish leaders in order to have him crucified. Pilate found no reason for Jesus to be executed and informed the leaders of his findings. This was not satisfactory to them and they incited the people to cry out for Jesus to be crucified. Verses 20-24 tells us,

"Pilate, wanting to release Jesus, addressed them again, but they kept shouting, "Crucify! Crucify Him!" A third time he said to them, "Why? What has this man done wrong? I have found in Him no grounds for the death penalty. Therefore I will have Him whipped and then release Him. But they kept up the pressure, demanding with loud voices (emphasis added) that He be crucified. And their voices won out (emphasis added). So, Pilate decided to grant their demand and released the one they were asking for (Barabbas) who had been thrown into prison for rebellion and murder. But he handed Jesus over to their will."

Once again, the voices won out.

I suppose this is the point in the post where we need to apply the title. The voices are representative of those in our contemporary culture. As the world speeds toward conclusion and the return of Jesus Christ, the voices of the wicked and deceived are becoming louder and louder. This is in an effort to have their desires acquiesced or tolerated even though they do not and will not tolerate Christians and our beliefs. They are vocal, militant, and deceptive. They use every evil tactic available to them to promote their agenda.

To refuse to accept this, you have to be blind or intentionally ignoring this reality. I am most appalled by these things being promoted in the church. The church should be a safe-haven for people to attend and to learn the truth of the Word of God. Homosexual, trans-gendered, and deceptive pastors (and I use this term pastors reluctantly) are blindly accepted by the people in the church. They want to accept this agenda for the sake of "getting along" with society. God's love for others is used as a crutch for their weakness in standing against these evil positions; claiming it is a Christian's responsibility to love and accept others. This is a misrepresentation of the Word. Yes, we are to love others, but not at the expense of ignoring the Word of God which expressly speaks against these things.

I could go on, but you are smart people; you get my point. So, what are we to do? Do we turn a blind ear and eye to what is going on in our schools, political halls, courts, and church or do we speak up and let our voices be heard? I would suggest the battle starts in the home. Parents, are you ignoring the necessity to raise your children in a Christian home? Are you failing to be the shield of protection in what they watch, what they listen to, and participate in during their daily lives? Christian parents have a huge responsibility to cover their children with scripture, prayer, and church attendance.

Churches, that is (true God-fearing, bible teaching churches) have an enormous responsibility to represent Jesus Christ in society. Unbelievers need to witness the difference between a "church-goer" and a true Christian. They need to see committed Christians standing against the evils of this world. In another area, politicians are increasingly giving in to the "voices" of the loud, often violent and misguided people. They need to fear something Christians possess in this world; namely, the vote.

As they take their oath to serve the people, they need to understand and take to heart, the charge for them to represent their constituent's wellness. This means standing against people with their selfish agendas to destroy our country and world. We live in a broken world as found in Genesis, chapter three. It is called "the fall" because of the entrance of sin into the world and is referred to by many as a Genesis Three World. You can look that up for your homework.

In the end, I believe the practices that will help calm the home, schools, streets, and churches will include: prayer (cover everyone and everything), scripture reading and study, patience with others, love for others, forgiveness, and speaking out / standing up for God, His Word, His Will, and His Plan.

I know this position will undoubtedly upset many, including non-Christian, parents, those who are leaders in the communities, those who attend church, but really cannot claim they are Christians, and finally weak church leaders. Some who are committed to advancing the Kingdom of God in this world might be offended if they evaluate their stand against evil and realize they are doing nothing.

Ephesians, chapter 6:10-17 tells us,

"Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil. For our battle is not against (emphasis added) the flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand (emphasis added). Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace. In every situation take the shield of faith, and then you will be able to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is God's word."

Just to reiterate, prayer is key. If we are to be victorious in Christ being promoted and God being glorified, we have to realize we are in a battle. Prayer is not the preparation for battle; it is the battle! (quoted from an unknown source).

I pray the voices of God's children will "Win Out!"

Stand firm believers and don't be afraid to let your voices be heard!

Wear Jesus Well,



Standing in the face of a storm....

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Apr 18, 2023

Preach it, Pastor Steve, and may we all speak the truth in love and with compassion for any who are not walking with God. Jesus loved the whole world enough to die for us "while we were yet sinners." Once lost, humbly walking, Irene

Apr 19, 2023
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Thanks for your encouraging words...🤗

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